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Do you get alarmed on seeing clumps of hair on your hair brush? Well, don’t be; because hair shedding is part of everyday life. And as much as we loathe clogged shower drains, it’s quite normal to lose 40 to 100 strands of hair per day. However, when you start losing a significant amount of hair in a day or notice bald spots (yikes) —well, that’s when you know something’s not right.
Contrary to popular belief, dandruff isn’t the only reason behind your excessive hair fall. When it comes to hair loss, there are a number of potential triggers; the first one is genetic, that can make you more predisposed to hair thinning and balding. In other words, your hair follicles gradually shrink and produce hair that are slightly finer and shorter with each passing hair growth cycle. This can get aggravated further with certain types of pills or hormonal therapies. Other factors such as stress, vitamin deficiencies, lack of hair hygiene, medications, pollution, crash diets and harsh chemical treatments also contribute to hair fall.  
Sounds bad, right? Not necessarily.  
More often than not, there are certain things that you can do to keep your hair volume intact. So, stop freaking out and try these fail-proof (albeit simple) solutions to nip the issue at its roots. 

Here are  seven simple ways to curb hair fall and boost hair growth.

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